Nestled in a village known for its small-town charm and proximity to a booming metropolis, this space brings a unique burst of modern flavor. Cool blue and gray tones offer a refreshing change of pace. The trendy palette adds an eclectic twist with its complement of vintage and glam inspired pendants and bold herringbone patterns. Where walls might have inhibited flow, this space opens before the eyes, allowing you to experience the continuity of the richly stained hardwood floors and playful textures of the glass and window treatments. The clean lines of the cabinetry are a functional but beautiful compliment to the deep tones of the wood floors. Pendants hang like crystal clouds over an expansive island that welcomes conversation over perhaps a nice glass of wine.
Custom design and built-in rain shower glass wall panels add flair and visual appeal to the entrance.
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RMH Lifestyle eye for detail welcomes and incorporates into the design an existing classic vintage hexagon styled window.
The family room and 2 additional baths make for exceptional additions that top off the living experience. From wiggling your toes in the deep comfort of the carpet to ensuring that there are accessible spaces for guests you are not at a loss here. This trendy home
with a glamorous flare is perfect for the growing community it plays a part in.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam posuere dictum felis, sed malesuada arcu blandit sed. Nam sapien ipsum, lobortis non molestie laoreet, dignissim sit amet ante. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer vehicula vel metus a egestas. Morbi quis est mauris. Donec quis pharetra lectus. Nullam elementum erat nec pretium fermentum. Nullam at iaculis odio. In tempor sem massa, egestas pharetra libero sodales at.